This is your reminder to #VoteYes.
All links to various commentary, official information and helplines are in the video description.
Key Dates:
September 12: Mail out survey (could take up to two weeks to receive)
November 7: Due date to have the survey returned (preferred return date is 30 October so it is received on time)
November 15: Results announced
For online voters - people who live overseas or in remote areas, etc - there are no dates confirmed. The Australian Bureau of Statisitcs has admitted they are behind schedule in this area. (Hm, is this why it's ridiculous to spend $122m on a non-binding postal survey by an organisation which only has the power to collect and collate data? Or is the endless 'respectful debate'? I have no idea.)
#VoteYes. Have the compassion and humanity to recognise that if you intend to vote no, and you have been called out for it - put yourself in the shoes of the people who want the same rights as you. People aren't discriminating against you - they are reminding you that your 'opinion' is fundamentally discriminatory - even if you don't think so. If dealing with that backlash is the reason you are going to vote no, you never would've voted yes. Want to prove this debate is respectful? Remember this is a human rights issue. Show that love wins. Show that you're not gonna pick a side that equates legalisation of same-sex marriage with marrying bridges. #VoteYes.
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